About faculty

Probably, the most discreet and sensible challenge which you can face when working is managing human resources. This is no longer the time when the effectiveness of the organization depended on its finances! You can own the most beautiful and the most expensive machines as well as the tidiest working space, the most modern offices but all that will not be of any use unless you have the adequate people! The cadre is what makes the organization worthwhile.

You need to have skills for managing the intellectual capital i.e. the human resources in order to form good teams consisted of competent professionals, to know how to lead the team, to create pleasant working climate, to bring out the best of your employees by motivating them as well as to delegate the significant tasks and sectors to the right people!

Every serious organization which has already understood the role and importance of the human resource managers in the process of successful managing the organization in contemporary living conditions has already formed separate human resource management sector. There are NO such cadres in our country. The Faculty of Human Resource Management educates exactly this type of cadres.

For us there are no impassable obstacles or tasks which can not be solved. The Faculty of Human Resource Management will provide optimal connection of the material and human factors which are part of one organization, and the objective is to reach maximal production and economic results. The people, their needs, their motivation and satisfaction are in the focus of the attention of the human potential management because it is clear that the human capital is the main tool of competitive ability and advantage at the global market. The needs of the individual and the factors which motivate him are a subject of intensive researches and analyses which lead towards a lot of motivation theories.

Gain knowledge for managing the intellectualcapital and become a human resource manager!


The Faculty of Human Resource Management has a vision to become a leading producer of management cadre for all business spheres in the country as well as abroad via the easily recognized diplomas with which this high academic institution will get international reputation.


The mission of the University is to provide high education with which the students will be able to meet the challenges and the risks of cadre management, the latest and current states and achievements in the country and worldwide, and with that to give its contribution for the development of the economy in the country, too. The mission of the Faculty as socially responsible institution obliges the same to support and generate all research activities in the interest of the development of the management awareness of the population and getting information for the managers who will make better decisions regarding the human resources – decisions regarding their training, motivation and rewarding the members of the organization.

Validation system

The values which the Faculty promotes are:

- Improvement of the co-operation with expert associates with adequate competences in order to improve the tuition;

- Improvement of the co-operation with the small, medium and large corporations in the country and abroad as well as with expert associates with adequate competences;

- Participation of the faculty in projects which contribute for the improvement of the quality of the students' knowledge and skills as well as in projects with which the students can show their individual abilities, talents etc.;

- Promotion of human resource management in the country through organization of various expert public discussions and lectures with relevant participants;

- Promotion of the Faculty in the public and connection and co-operation with related faculties abroad.

Connect with us

Blvd. Partizanski odredi, No. 99, Skopje, Macedonia

  • +389 (2) 3093209

  • +389 (2) 3093213

  • contact@utms.edu.mk


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