Cooperation and Public Relation Board

    06.12.2011, under the "University of Tourism and Management in Skopje", established Advisory Board - an advisory body which has 6 members, and the president is Mr. Draskovic Vaska, Development Coordinator, CIRA. This body was formed in order to give professional and application support in the work of the School of Human Resource Management. Advisory Council is composed of experienced professionals namenadzhmentot human resources that will contribute to improving the competitiveness of students and enable them to efficiently and effectively manage intellectual capital. Board members, meetings have already begun to review the current predzvici the field of human resources management as well as to develop various research initiatives. With the establishment of the Advisory Committee "University of Tourism and Management," is a unique and a step ahead of other institutions.

    On March 19, 2015, the Board (Cooperation and Public Trust Board) at the Faculty of Human Resource Management has been updated and harmonized with the new Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Macedonia. It consists of current professionals in the field of human resources, representatives from the MES and the Municipality of Karpos, as well as a delegated representative from the founder.

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